I'm not fully back yet from my little break, but I have some free time and I wanted to post all this eyecandy you're about to see!Wow, magazines come out faster than what I can read! (this, or I'm just lazy...)
Anyways, August and September's Zipper commented in this post, since I've seen a few things that catched my attention.
There are so many cuties on the August issue! I love to see pretty girls, and so, I have to share them with you all! Plus, nice hair arranges.
Love these girl's lips!
Plus, inspiring coordinates.

I love those kind of pages where they feature a piece of clothing being worn in diferent types of coordinates, or worn in a girlish and boyish way. So interesting!

I love Amo's coordinate in this shot, looks so comfortable and so pretty at the same time!
And the sailor one is my most favorite from this batch. Everything just looks so right! Love love love!
And, new brands and shops I didn't know about!
So many pretty cute wonderful and sweet stuff.
From September's issue, all I can say is, MILK's autumn collection! Featuring Amo! She looks a bit weird in the pics though. Weird meaning, she doesn't look like her. Cute anyways c:

Socks+pretty shoes steal my heart, really.
And I want to steal those red miu miu bloomers.

Too dark for me to be mori girl, but super cute nonetheless.
I love the red accent on the monotone coordination.
And my favorites.
This coordinates probably have almost everything I like. Soft colors, ruffles, pretty shoes, socks, vest, fur, skirts, brown, frills, lace and white. Aaaaahn... ♥
Fur is going to be trendy this year too, and I can totally see it.
You can download August and September's issues here.
I'm downloading Mina now, just to see how it is. Never read it, so surprise surprise! But the cover looks cuuute, so I kinda expect it to be something between Vivi and Spoon maybe?
(btw, expect a post about Spoon soon! tehee)
And one last thing, remember Laurita's giveaway?
Well, the good news are, I'm the winner! I can't believe it yet! haha
First time ever I win a giveaway!