A bitter story with a happy ending is used to show a really cute drawing style where one can learn lots of things from.
The Dog Who Was A Cat Inside from trunk animation on Vimeo.
On the other side, I was ironing some clothes this morning and had the idea of changing some buttons from my picnic dress.
It has white, plain buttons on it, and since i got a bunch of cute new buttons, I'll get them replaced. Just look at the pics and tell me what you think ^^
Ok, these are definetely a big NO.
They look too big on the dress, and too discreet in a color sense.
I love those heart shaped buttons, but I only have a few of them and I don't know if I really like how they look on the dress (who I am trying to fool? I love how they look on the dress!).
Plus, they may be too small.
I'll probably end up using these.
I like them lots too and they're bigger than the heart-shaped ones but smaller than the first set.
Talking about sewing, I'll be posting tomorrow about my DIY inspirations for this summer.
I already started using some of the tutorials out there, but there's still lots of time and things left to do! Summer is just about to start!