Important notes

All drawings appearing in this blog are done by me, unless otherwise stated.
All my contents can be reposted wherever you want, I just ask for a proper link back.
All pictures are resized, to see them bigger just click on them.
Thanks for stopping by and come back soon!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

See you all in 6 days.

So, I'm leaving for London in a couple of hours, and I just wanted to say I won't be arround much, and even less will be posting, since I hope I'll be having lots of fun! haha

I wanted to post a couple of more times before leaving, but I've been busy with all the planning and stuff, so that left not much time to do all I wanted for this blog.

Anyways, that also means I won't be here to remember you anymore to enter my etsy-store-opening giveaway, that ends on September 1st! And remember to tell everybody you know to enter!

So that's it, be bad, have fun and see you in 6 days!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Getting ready for London: clothes and coordinates

Only four days until I leave for London! I'm so excited!
(that also means you only have 9 days to enter my giveaway! Be sure you don't miss it!)

First coordinate is for Laura's birthday picnic party at the park. She said she'll bring LED balloons! How cool is that? Even if it's the first time I hear about that! haha

Second one is just a random coordinate. Bare legs. Will I be cold? XD I bet I'll be at night, but I don't care! 8D I kinda hate long pants. And it's August and so hot here. It's summer here, it will be summer in London! Nobody can say nothing against it! (I love my slef-biased opinions ♥)

Skirt coordinate is for girls night out. We found a few clubs we'd like to go to, but since it seems we have to pay to go in to every one of them, we'll probably just end up in a pub. Which is fine with me too. I only want a couple of tequila shots♥

Last one is just something dirty for the plane. I'll get there late at night and leave London early (6am, too early! orz) so no need for cute coordinates ahah

(btw, sorry for the really quick sketches u,u I promise to do better next time)

So, the rest of the coordinates will be decided pretty much on the spot. This is the rest of clothes I'll be wearing, so you can see how things will be.

Pretty self-explanatory I hope.
And yes, almost all my knickers are culottes with lace 8D
And something I realized while drawing this is the huge amount of clothes with flower patterns I own... Colection that will keep growing for sure! haha
And I suppose I'll be adding more clothes at the last minute, but well.

I plan on getting also a pair of Irregular Choice shoes (if I can find the store/they're still on sales/I find a cute and cheap pair), so maybe I should leave a pair out of the list?
Also, forever21, topshop and Urban outfitters are a must, so more clothes to add to my poor bag?
Agh, so little space so much to take!

Next post, hand-bag and make-up purse!

Btw, something really important! Is anyone familiar with secon-hand shops or thrift stores in London? I really want to visit some! Any recommendation?

Friday, August 20, 2010

5am je t'aime and My Tokyo guide

5am Je t'aime is an asian oriented fashion and culture and inspiration blog not much older than 2 months and some days.
And they're generous enought to host a giveaway every month!
This second time, they were giving away an amazing art and fashion guide of Tokyo compiled, "compiled and designed by the Sydney & tokyo-based graphic & textile designer Eloise Rapp" is something that really caught my eye.
I love Tokyo, I love fashion and all this seen from a designer's perspective, is something that can't be missed.

It's too late to enter this giveaway, since I was the lucky one to win it! (I can't believe it yet), but you can always wait for next month's giveaway, that I'm sure will be as amazing as this month's!

I'm going to do a review of the guide as soon as I get it in my mail, se expect it. But I can already tell you how yummy it looks!

Thank you so much to the people at 5am je t'aime and to Eloise Rapp for the guide.

And now, go take a look at these people's blog, since I'm sure it's something you'll enjoy!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

What to talk about today...

I've been wanting to do this for a long time now, but was always too lazy to do it... haha
This is some simple recipe I discovered while Mayuko was here.
She loves sea weeds, and so her mum made her take this wakame soup thing with her, and we ended up cooking it at my house (and she left the rest to me *w* I still have to packs) with rice! (instead of making soup out of it). I really prefer rice. I love rice! haha

Hope you can understand my incomprehensible handwritting :D

Oh, and yesterday I forgot to remind you all to participate in my giveaway! You still have time until September 1st, but I wouldn't risk the opportunity if it was me!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Blog swap. I can also craft!

Sammy at The cookie button is organizing a blog swap, where you're paired with a blogger that talks about things you usually don't.
And my partner is Meggs, whose blog is, mainly, about crafts, so here I go!

I'm going to explain a bit how I paint my sneakers.

2-Water pot
5-Brushes (in different sizes and shapes)
6-Pots for paint
7-Plate for paint mixing
8-Acrylic paint
9-Glitter (optional)
12-Pot for mixing glue and glitter

Make a sketch of the color and design you want for your sneakers in a paper.

I usually cut all the imperfections the sneakers could have, but you don't really need to do that... that's just me being picky ^^'

Put tape arround the sneakers, so the non-canvas part can't get dirty.

Prepare your colors and pot with water.

Start painting!

I start with the background.

Don't fortget anything!

Acrylics dry pretty fast, so if you want to take a break, make sure to cover the pot so they're still usable once you're back.

Remember to paint every little space of canvas. Little things like that is what make the difference between crappy and nice.

Now that the background's dry, it's time for the pattern or whatever design you thought of.

I wanted to do some flowers, so I thought making a guide would be fast.

But even if you think so, it didn't work as nice as I thought, so I just kept painting them manually.

Once it's done, let it dry. As I said before, acrylic dry fast, so an hour or so will be more than enought.

This is optional, but I thought adding some glitter would it make look cute. Just a bit, too much is... too much XD
Got the tips for adding glitter to a canvas sneakers from violet le beaux, so thanks to her!

Mix glue and glitter in a pot. Paint.

Let it dry.

This is how it will look before it's dry. Don't get scared! It gets better later.

Done! Easy, isn't it! It just takes a bit of your time, but it's worth it.

See? You're ready to rock!

You can do whatever you can think of with them, after all, these are just canvas in a sneaker form!
These two are other examples of what you can do. For sale at my etsy shop!

Or, if you feel to lazy to make your own, I also accept requests, so don't hesitate to email me to ask for prices!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Brand introduction. Delilah, or how to dress for a party

Barror is going to Japan in a month (I'm so jealous! haha) and since she said she found new brands from Japan that she likes now (and I'm sure will be visiting) throught my blog, I thought I could keep introducing other japanese stuff I like and things I want to do and places I want to visit once I can go back.

This is Aya chan, shop staff and model for the brand.

I'm going to introduce another brand I like lots. It's a dress and jewlery brand called Delilah, and their slogan is "Let's change before the party!". With that few, you can just imagine a bit how their clothing will be.




Many of you, mostly gal-oriented readers, will probably know a bit about this brand already, or at least, recognize the style of clothing, since it's one brand that appears frequently on gal magazines, mainly Ageha. Other magazines they got features in are Seventeen, Vivi and Popteen to name a few.

But! The brand appeared recently in Kera (not their first time there, tho), what demonstrates something I strongly believe in, it's not the brand who makes the style, is how people use the clothes that creates it. So, it doesn't matter if you're a gal, a fairy girl, or whatever, enjoy Delilah with your own style!

They mainly offer onepieces, but they also produce cute camisoles.

And jewlery, cute, sparkly and girlish jewlery.

Even swimsuits!

These two may be my most favorite in the whole shop. And I don't even like bunnies that much!

Delilah is situated near shibuya station, just a few streets away. Here you can see the location in google maps.
And they even have a webshop, in case you can't go in perston to the store (like me) and prefer to order online (I'd really rather go in person to the store though...).
Prices are surely a bit on the high side, but it's worth waiting for the sales, where they reduce the price quite a lot.

What do you think about this brand? Is this something you'd buy/wear? Everyday wear or just for parties?

Changing the topic, I participated in The cookie button blog swap, and my partner is Meggs, so I'll be talking about crafts tomorrow. Expect a diy tut tomorrow (I meant to post this Delilah entry yesterday night, so blog swap post will be ready this afternoon c:)!

Btw, don't forget to enter my new giveaway here! It includes moko-moko scrunchies and other drawn-by-me stuff!