Anyways, after the Summer edition, here I bring my choice of hairstyles for Autumn!
Fringe+braid head band+long curly hair ♥
I still love big hair. I specially like it when it is Saramari who's doing it! So yeah, I want to try sporting it more!
More big hair. Plus my lace headband which I love to death ♥
And I love this one. Side-bun and adorned with a flower. I'm not over the flower trend yet, and I don't think I'll ever be. hah
And this hairstyle makes me want to go to some caribbean island right now.
This is all I've got for the time being. But that doesn't mean I won't think of more hairstyles tomorrow, I'm pretty out of ideas right now ♥
Those are some crops from Tomotomo, a hair-styling magazine. Aside from hair arranging, they also give tips on cutting and styling.
I love the first one! It's very simple (but not so simple to do D:) but it's so elegant at the same time!
The bun is somenthing I'll always love/will never get tired of it!
And braids are always love and an easy solution for non-inspired days.
When I browse mags or see pics, I tend to notice hairstyles with my same hair-lenght, I'm sorry about that! I'll try to correct this in the future u,u
Magazines from this post are Tomotomo September issue
You can find more magazines and stuff in the download page.
Also, remember I opened a tumblr blog a few weeks ago where I regularly post snapshots from everywhere (not just japanese people/j-magazines). You can ask me anything on there or submit your own snapshots /snaps you like! C:
So, are you planning on wearing any special hairstyle this autumn? Or you just go with the season trend? Tell me where your hair inspirations come from! (well, really, tell me! I love to see hair pics!)