(that also means you only have 9 days to enter my giveaway! Be sure you don't miss it!)
First coordinate is for Laura's birthday picnic party at the park. She said she'll bring LED balloons! How cool is that? Even if it's the first time I hear about that! haha
Second one is just a random coordinate. Bare legs. Will I be cold? XD I bet I'll be at night, but I don't care! 8D I kinda hate long pants. And it's August and so hot here. It's summer here, it will be summer in London! Nobody can say nothing against it! (I love my slef-biased opinions ♥)
Skirt coordinate is for girls night out. We found a few clubs we'd like to go to, but since it seems we have to pay to go in to every one of them, we'll probably just end up in a pub. Which is fine with me too. I only want a couple of tequila shots♥
(btw, sorry for the really quick sketches u,u I promise to do better next time)
So, the rest of the coordinates will be decided pretty much on the spot. This is the rest of clothes I'll be wearing, so you can see how things will be.
Pretty self-explanatory I hope.
And yes, almost all my knickers are culottes with lace 8D
And something I realized while drawing this is the huge amount of clothes with flower patterns I own... Colection that will keep growing for sure! haha
And I suppose I'll be adding more clothes at the last minute, but well.
I plan on getting also a pair of Irregular Choice shoes (if I can find the store/they're still on sales/I find a cute and cheap pair), so maybe I should leave a pair out of the list?
Also, forever21, topshop and Urban outfitters are a must, so more clothes to add to my poor bag?
Agh, so little space so much to take!
Next post, hand-bag and make-up purse!
Btw, something really important! Is anyone familiar with secon-hand shops or thrift stores in London? I really want to visit some! Any recommendation?