Hope you like them♥
Lots of people don't like Blythes, they say they're scary with those big eyes. In fact, Kenner stopped making Blythes because little girls were scared of them. I kind of understand it... Kenner's Blythes are a bit creepy, I definetely prefer Takara's. Plus, they make cuter CMs.
But I love them, Blythes are the only dolls I own (that doesn't mean I don't like other kinds!). Her name is Tàbatha and she's an Enchanted Petal.
Close-up of her custom chips. Shinny baby blue and white roses.♥
Tried them on her but they look weird, so I'm saving them for my next blythe♥
Bonus track!
Tàbatha right now, Mori bonus and puripic!
Unexpected change of plans happened today, so the giveaway might have to wait a week more than what was expected D: But got some great things today thought!
So here's another hint~